Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 1

I'm in the DR!  Everything is going well so far, and I am settling in with my host family.  I have eaten a few pounds of beans and rice so far, and a ton of avocado. Breakfast is usually this melon-like thing that is bright red and tastes like strawberries, and a grilled cheese.  The fruits are amazing, and my dona gives me heaping piles of everything.  My host sister decided that my name is too difficult to say, so she renamed me Adan (Adam).  Or Alan. The training center misspelled it, and for them I'm Aidam.  I'm also el americano, el flaco, and el sueco (the swede, who knows).

My family has internet in the house, but their computer is broken.  I offered to take a look, but they didn't believe me when I said I knew how those things work.  Electricity and running water are usually out, and I'm glad I brought a crank flashlight. I always liked it when the power went out at home growing up, and the family sort of congregates here in the same manner.  I have broken out the cards and Uno a few times, and I am attempting to introduce my familia to Bananagrams.  A bunch of trainees threw down in the airports for some hardcore bananagramming, so you can tell that the company is good.

I really like the training group.  Everyone seems really cool and excited about what we'll eventually be doing, and share my fear of public transportation (guaguas, carros publicos).

I haven't taken any pictures so far... I will have to work on that.


Benjamin J. Pulley said...

I think the Bananagrams was a better purchase than a crank flashlight.

Unknown said...

congrats on getting to the DR safely bossman...i've never played bananagrams before *feels left out of all the fun* and my imagination is going crazy with all the fruits i imagine you eating...lucky ducky!

take pics...pleaseeeee we all live vicariously through you

iimay said...

So glad to hear that you're doing well! Sounds like you're taking advantage of the power outages to get amazingly good at Uno and Bananagrams. :) The rest of your group sounds pretty cool. Can't wait to see the pictures!