Thursday, September 2, 2010


The computer teachers are in the capital for training, so Sugeidy has been covering some of their classes.  She doesn’t know much about computers, but has no shame in throwing herself out there.  Which is probably more important than knowing much about computers.

Today, she brought me into the classroom, about 20 minutes after the class was supposed to start, and told me that I was going to teach it because she didn’t know anything about Excel.  So, I taught it.  With no materials or preparation or knowledge of the words I needed to use in Spanish.  Actually, I taught two of these classes, for a total of 4hrs, and they went really well.

I had the students make a list of things to buy for a sancocho, a type of scalding hot soup that has… just everything in it.  Then, we put prices and quantities, and used formulas to get totals per item and per person.  Then, we added and subtracted items to see how the totals automatically change with the formulas, and how that’s way easier to do than manually entering everything. 

I have a computer repair class at 6, which will round out 6hrs streight of teaching in Spanish. 

This wasn’t how I was planning the day.  Natasha came in from the capital, and I wanted her to see the CTC’s literacy classes. I didn’t plan on throwing her in to co-teach the class while I taught a different one, but she did amazingly.  The women loved her, and the literacy facilitator pulled me aside and told me to bring her back every week.  I really wish I had been there, but crazy happens and you just have to go with it.



Also, I finally put up a bunch of the pictures I brought from home:



1 comment:

Jessica said...

Can you teach me how to use Excel too? I haven't used it since 8th grade=/