Sunday, May 9, 2010

¿What? vol. 1


1. A commercial saying “we have combined science and religion.”  The logo was a star of david with electrons orbiting it, and the starwars theme was playing in the background. 

2. Juice.  Tropical island, full of amazing tropical fruits, and no one eats them.  Instead, they make juice.  More often than not, the juice turns out to be Tang.

3. Viveres. Potatoes, yuca, plantains, different types of tasteless bananas, a green fruit that is a cross between a pear and a potato, yama, and other things that I haven’t quite come to understand yet. This is a picture of boiled plantains with some sort of meat. I was ill this day, and had to just eat a peanut butter sandwich.


4. English names from the 17th century given to children.

5. Two main political parties, one with “thumbs-up” as its sign, and the other with the “loser” L sign.  Just, awesome.

1 comment:

Katy Williams said...

Me gusta.

Sometimes I wish there were a "like" button on these darned blogs.