Saturday, April 24, 2010

Running the Campo


On Friday, Sabrina, Mas, and I Peace Corre’d through the town, across the river, through the sugarcane fields, across another river, across more fields, and up a big hill. Because we are IT volunteers, the excursion was photojournaled.

Campo is Spanish for field/farmland/middle-of-nowhere. Sudor means to sweat.

Last time, this is where we realized we had to start running from the horses.


Mas and I crossing the river. 


Sabrina climbing through a fence.


The view from the top at sunset. 




It was dark on the run back, and we ran into a campo man with a shotgun and machete. He was friendly, and asked if we got scraped up when we were climbing the mountain.  I wanted to take a picture, but my compañeros didn’t like the idea.

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