Monday, February 21, 2011


I sort of got a dog. His name is Bean. I have no idea what kind of dog he is, or how big he’s going to get, or where he came from.


So that’s cool. Margo will take care of him when I leave site, and it’s kind of fun to have the little guy running around.


Sure, he poops and pees a lot, but my entire house is cement, and bleach is cheap.

The CTC had a secret santa and pot-luck for valentine’s day, which is Dominican for “let’s scream for no reason.”  The rules for the secret santa were not quite clear, so I bought a pack of gum and some chocolate. The recipient was nonplussed, and threw them on the table and didn’t look at me the rest of the evening. Other people were exchanging plastic knickknacks and stuff… I didn’t get the memo.


Katy Williams said...

Yay! Bean! Eeeee!

As for the plastic knick-knacks... unless they were funny, I'd take the chocolate. ;)

I look forward to meeting the little guy,

lute_of_jubal said...

Omg... Puppeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Sorry, I needed to get my squee on for a minute there. He's adorable - and with a name like Bean? Awwww!!!

Unknown said...

Awwww am so excited to be a grandma again! I love him!

Unknown said...

I showed these photos to the girls. My ears are still bleeding from the little-girl squealling!