Sunday, February 27, 2011



These are some of the neighborhood muchachos.  They hang around my house once in a while, ask me questions about living in Nueba Yol, and now, play with Bean. They came cover today with shirtfulls of cahuil fruit that they picked by climbing on the church roof, and we sat on my porch and gorged until the grass was covered with pits and chunks of fruit that the bugs had gotten to first.


Marcel, showing how careful he is with Bean.


Josue, climbing on the porch bars.


Josue, climbing on Micky. Bean, too tired to try to escape.

Earlier in the day, I met with an American who teaches English in the next town down the road, the two CTC managers, and a guy who works in the Ministry of Education to plan some cholera charlas.  I’ve already given slews of these charlas, but hey, it’s always nice to meet new people who are interested in working on projects!

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